I started 1st day of July with jogging at Han river. Specifically, I jogged for 30 mins toward the river, stretched the hole body and did 50 jumping jacks, then went back home for 30 mins.
I felt so sweaty but fresh.
I'm pretty sure that I am not a morning person but I've always tried to be the one.
Last week, I read a book 'The Miracle Morning' by Hal Elrod that inspired me to move on.
When I googled the title, I found a cute picture below explaining life 'S.A.V.E.R.S' which is morning ritual to save one's life:
Images: MiracleMorningActivites.png (1200×677) (wp.com)
- Silence: meditation, deep breathing, and prayer
- Affirmations: find the goal and specify the action to do
- Visualisation: imagine the dream and make a picture of dream life
- Exercise: boost energy, reduce the stress level, and activate brain working
- Reading: will make a better person
- Scribing: writing short journal and future goals
This morning, I implimented Excercise and Scribing among SAVERS. And what I'm gonna do tomorrow is to add on Silence and Affirmation.
Pictures below are presents of this morning.